Issue #1

This is a thing

Made just for play. Don't have to read too much into it. It's just pixels on a screen, across the internet from somewhere in the world. If no one links to this page, does it even exist? Think of it as one of those fancy 404 error pages. All humble and self deprecating and shit.

And another thing

Something for the search engines to chew on, a juicy tit for the bots to suckle on. It's all about search engine optimization today, all about them keywords and links and backlinks. About the latest SEO trend that definitely might possibly have a tiny fraction of an impact on search results placement. Something in a nice font, devoid of content or meaning. Why is this paragraph so fucking wordy? you will ask yourself. It's not for you, just ignore all the fluff. Your short attention span will do that for you anyway.

Repetitive wording and phrasing so that the bots get it through their thick electronic heads that these are important keywords. Phrases that mimic popular search strings, nobody writes or designs for humans anymore. Everything for the mighty algorithm. Algorithms creating algorithms through content farms algorithmically generating content to score high in placement and recommendation algorithms such as Youtube's coveted suggested videos list.

It's all about monetising clicks, and they don't have to be real, the advertisers will pay the same either way.

And whatever you do, compress the crap out of your images

It's for the good of the user of course. We're all busy today, no one has 2 seconds for an image to load. It's better to look at some compression artifacts here and there. Let's not focus too much on that now, just add some overly descriptive synonym ridden title tags. Another juicy tit for the indexing bot.

Does all this sound crazy?

The ravings of a madman on a wall for everyone to see.Old school html page, no Facebook likes, no sharing icons, no Google AdWords and Doubleclicks and all that crap. I guess you probably figured it out by now, no one cares if you read this.

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